Mustard Seed Africa
Rural to Ramp
The Rural to Ramp Handcraft Showcase is a project where we partner Handcraft Artisans with International and Local Designers to develop products that are African by inspiration and contemporary in design. The collaboration ensures skill sharing, bench marking and an opportunity for artisans to develop products for the next season. This project culminates into a Handcraft Showcase where key stake holders are invited to a high profile event where they witness the beautiful work as a result of the cross cultural collaboration. Sales, promotion, publicity and networking are a result of this initiative.
The Rural to Ramp video created by Iwani Mawocha was entered into the Girls Impact The World Film Festival 2014. It won the first prize Green IS Award, a parternship between the Ian Somerhalder Foundation and the Girls Imact the World Film Festival.
"What a truly important piece of work. This film encapsulates what happens when you add empowerment to sustainability and it relays the exceptional meaning behind that concept. Every item made by these women holds such history." ​​
- Ian Somerhalder about Rural to Ramp
The Journey of Rural to Ramp at HIFA 2013
Mustard Seed Africa's Rural to Ramp Handcraft Showcase brings together Handcraft Artists and Organisations to partner with local and international designers to collaborate as they work on craft couture that is presented to a select audience. They work on products that are contemporary in design and African by inspiration. This platform ensures skills- sharing, benchmarking and enables the Artisans to get an appreciation of local and international trends, fine tune their skills and think out of the box. It assists Handcraft Organisations and Artisans to get inspiration for products for the next season.
The Rural to Ramp Participants
Lupane Women’s Centre
Knitters of Makanya
Brown Fruit
Kunzwana Women’s Centre
Zee Bags
Enoch Kolimbo
Collen Chitsungo